
With our car-tours, we'd like to merge adventure, pleasure and interesting meetings to a unique and unforgettable experience. So the aim of our journeys is to discover attractive scenery, nice little towns and regional gastronomic specialties as well as interesting car- events all over Europe. Therefore our tours have no competitive character at all, but are holiday-travels with a small group of like-minded, nice people from different countrys in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Just enjoy "the bright side of life"...

In order to give our journeys a familiar feeling, the participation is limited to 15 cars. We select the participating teams depending on the date of booking and the car.

Please note, that changes caused by organisation matters or other reasons are possible. In this case, we try to give you an equal substitute, but you won’t be able to claim compensation.

Please note also, that travelling means becoming acquianted with foreign cultures, therefore in other countries sometimes things are not always as you might expect... We may be experiencing different customs, so this is an opportunity for you to meet local people and learn more about their region !


As the aim of our tour-planning is relaxed cruising across a beautiful countryside, we normaly try to use small roads in good condition with very light traffic. For long-distance-tours, we combine a mix of small roads, national-roads and motorways, which we select in dependence of destination, scenery, traffic, and sights to see. We always try to avoid big cities (even if they are very interesting !) and main roads with a lot of traffic, because it's always very difficult to go into a city with a group of cars and especially to find parking there ! So our route is never the shortest connection between start and destination, but the most pleasant. Nevertheless, it's not possible to avoid every difficulty or unattractive scenerie....

Our day stages depend on the number of sights that we want to see and the type of roads that we want to use. Normally, we start at 9:00 a.m., have a possibility for a short lunch and reach our destination at about 5:00 p.m., if there are a lot of interesting sights to see, we start a little bit earlier and try to end about 8:00 p.m.